Chimney Cleaning Logs Are No Substitute for a CSIA Chimney Sweep

Chimney Services » Chimney Cleaning Logs Are No Substitute for a CSIA Chimney Sweep

A CSIA Chimney Sweep is safer than relying on a chimney cleaning log

A CSIA Chimney Sweep is safer than relying on a chimney cleaning log

Sometimes you see a product that you think may save you money, but it will actually end up costing you even more money than you saved. One of these products is chimney cleaning logs, which claim to remove and reduce the amount of accumulated creosote from the interior walls of your chimney. You may think that by using these chimney cleaning logs, you will not need to have your annual professional chimney sweeping. However, Blue Ridge Chimney Services and the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) disagree. This product can never be a substitute for a professional chimney cleaning from a CSIA-certified chimney sweep. We would like to tell you more about why you cannot depend on chimney cleaning logs to guarantee that your chimney is safe from the hazard of a chimney fire.

What exactly are chimney cleaning logs supposed to do?

Chimney cleaning logs use chemicals to remove a portion of the creosote that has built up on the inner walls of your chimney. When you burn a chimney cleaning log in your fireplace or stove, it releases chemicals and removes creosote by using catalytic action. While this product does actually remove some of the creosote accumulation, it can lead to some hazardous situations.

What hazardous situations could occur while using chimney cleaning logs?

When the pieces of creosote flake off the walls of your chimney as the logs are burning, they can easily ignite on the way down the chimney as creosote is extremely flammable. An ignited flake of creosote can quickly lead to a chimney fire. If the pieces of creosote do not ignite or flare up, they land on the smoke shelf where they can combine to create an even more dangerous hazard.

What makes a professional chimney sweeping so much better?

Since creosote is so flammable, it needs to be completely removed from your chimney, and our CSIA-certified chimney sweeps at Blue Ridge Chimney Services will guarantee the total removal of this fire hazard. And, with our chimney sweeping service, you get much more than creosote removal. We will also remove any debris from bird or animal nests, leaves, and other things as these could all block the exit of your chimney and cause another hazardous situation: carbon monoxide poisoning. You will also get a professional video chimney inspection to be sure you do not have any needed repairs to your chimney. We will ensure that your fireplace and chimney are functioning properly and safely.

You just cannot substitute a professional chimney sweeping with chimney cleaning logs. Contact us at Blue Ridge Chimney Services to schedule your annual chimney sweeping and inspection today.