Make A Professional Chimney Sweep Part of Spring Cleaning

Chimney Services » Make A Professional Chimney Sweep Part of Spring Cleaning

Just because winter is over, does not mean you can neglect your chimney!

Just because winter is over, does not mean you can neglect your chimney!

Spring is finally here, and that means spring cleaning is on your mind. The arrival of spring is an occasion to rid your home from that dusty winter air, and your fireplace and your chimney should not be left off your spring cleaning list. After using your fireplace all winter to warm your home from the cold winter temperatures, spring is the best time to get rid of the creosote deposits that have stuck to the walls of your chimney. Scheduling your annual chimney sweep and chimney inspection in the spring is also more simple because it is a slower period in the year for our Chimney Institute of America (CSIA)-certified sweeps at Blue Ridge Chimney Services. So many customers prefer to have their chimney cleaned in the fall, so you will be able to arrange the appointment when you wish. We would like to tell you a bit more about our chimney sweep process.

What should I expect from a chimney sweep from Blue Ridge Chimney Services?

When one of our technicians arrives at your home for your annual chimney sweep and inspection, Blue Ridge Chimney Services has an agenda for your chimney that is followed:

Clean the chimney with powerful tools

Our CSIA-certified chimney sweeps use a long-handled chimney brush and rotary cleaning rods, which are both powered by a cordless drill and equipped with vacuums to keep your house free from any debris or dust.

Remove all hazardous creosote deposits

During the sweep, our technician will ensure the proper removal of any creosote from your chimney. A natural substance, creosote develops during the condensation process that occurs when the by-products of combustion exit your chimney. Varying in appearance and color, creosote is a flammable compound, which can be a fire hazard within your chimney.

Inspect your chimney for any damage or safety hazards

Our technician will check every part of your chimney out to look for possible problems that would risk your safety or cause your fireplace and chimney to function improperly.

Decide if your chimney needs maintenance

After cleaning and inspecting your chimney, our technician then evaluates whether your chimney needs any repairs. You may already suspect your chimney may need work. The CSIA lists three obvious signs that your chimney is in need of maintenance sooner than later:

1. A strong odor
2. A stained-black or discolored fireplace opening
3. Loose bricks or cracks in the mortar.

With proper chimney maintenance, you can enjoy your fireplace inexpensively and safely for years. The importance of an annual chimney sweeping and inspection is stressed highly by the CSIA. Ignoring this step on your spring cleaning list can be dangerous. Contact Blue Ridge Chimney Services to schedule your annual professional chimney sweep.