We Can Repair Your Masonry Firebox

Chimney Services » We Can Repair Your Masonry Firebox

Since your firebox is directly exposed to extremely high temperatures, it makes sense that this important part of your fireplace can suffer from damage. Even though fire-resistant bricks and We Can Fix Your Masonry Firebox IMG- Shenandoah Valley VA- Blue Ridge Chimney Services-w800-h597mortar are used to construct masonry fireboxes, constant exposure to high heat can cause wear and tear to the masonry materials. Your firebox can also become damaged from settling or movement. If your fireplace does not have a footing extensive enough to support its weight, it can cause some shifting and cracking. These cracks can not only lead to structural problems, but they can also allow water to get into the firebox to cause even more erosion damage. If you have noticed cracks or gaps in your masonry firebox, Blue Ridge Chimney Services is here to help. We can repair or rebuild your firebox with our experienced masonry services. We would like to tell you more about firebox damage and how we can take care of this problem for you.

How does damage occur to my masonry firebox?

Because of the exposure to very hot temperatures, your firebox needs special attention to stand up to the heat. This means special masonry materials must be used to construct a firebox, which is why it is so important that you hire certified chimney professionals to build your fireplace. Blue Ridge Chimney Services not only uses high quality firebricks in constructing fireboxes, and we also make certain to use refractory mortar, as recommended by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA). In our years of working on chimneys, we have seen extensive firebox damage caused by the use of standard mortar being used to build the firebox. Mortar joints need to be able to expand and contract, and refractory mortar will allow this to happen so that the joints do not wear out prematurely. Your firebox can also be damaged by water leaks. If your chimney is uncapped, water can end up on the smoke shelf, where it mixes with soot to develop into an acidic sludge that will be absorbed into the bricks and mortar and weaken the masonry materials.

How can Blue Ridge Chimney Services solve my firebox problems?

We only use the recommended materials, like firebrick and refractory mortar, that have been specifically designed to use in firebox construction. We can repair damaged bricks and mortar joints in your firebox, and we can also construct new fireboxes for you. We offer a wide variety of different sizes and colors of firebricks that allow you to be creative in designing your new firebox. We also have another option for you if your damaged firebox must be replaced. We can update your old masonry fireplace by installing a new fireplace insert into the fireplace opening. This option is great as firebox inserts are an economical and highly efficient way of heating your home.
Make sure your firebox will be in excellent condition before fall. Contact us at Blue Ridge Chimney Services if you have noticed cracks or gaps in your firebox.