Why Choose A Gas Fireplace

Chimney Services » Why Choose A Gas Fireplace

Cold weather is just around the corner and Blue Ridge Chimney Services is here! We want to help you make sure you are heating your home as effectively and as economically as possible. Wanting to update your older masonry fireplace and increase the heating efficiency? We offer gas fireplace insert sales and installation services to the residents of the Shenandoah Valley. You can trust our experienced technicians to assist you. We help choose the perfect gas hearth heating appliance for your home. In addition, we ensure the new appliance is properly installed, so that it works safely. We know you will love the convenience and ease of using a new gas fireplace insert. Now, would like to tell you more about the benefits of choosing this type of hearth heating appliance.

Why Choose A Gas Fireplace - Shenandoah Valley VA - Blue Ridge ChimneyIncrease the heating efficiency of your home:

You will be amazed at how much warmth is provided to your home by your new gas fireplace. This is especially true if you have been using an older wood-burning masonry fireplace. Traditional fireplaces have very low energy efficiency ratings. This is because most of the heat produced by the fire escapes out of the chimney. Many models of gas fireplace inserts are equipped with fans that circulate heated air throughout the room. Depending on the size of your existing fireplace, a gas insert can heat an area from 1,000 to 3,000 square feet.

Save money on heating bills:

One of the biggest advantages of choosing a gas fireplace insert is using it for zone heating. Turning up the gas to heat the room you are in allows you to lower the thermostat in the rest of your home, according to HouseLogic. Zone heating greatly decreases your utility bills during the winter. You will also spend less money on maintenance and repairs. Just remember to have your fireplace and chimney professionally serviced once a year.

Burn cleaner fires:

With energy efficiency ratings from 65 to 99 percent, gas fireplace inserts produce clean-burning fires, with very little pollution or smoke. Also, you need not worry about any ash or creosote residue to clean up. If green living is important to you, a gas fireplace insert is a great choice for heating your home this winter!
Considering updating your traditional masonry fireplace? Contact us at Blue Ridge Chimney Services to learn more about how a gas fireplace insert can provide more warmth while saving you money on heating costs.