In order to function correctly and safely, your chimney and venting system consists of several different necessary components. One of the most important parts of your chimney system, a chimney cap, is needed to protect your chimney from water penetration, animal intrusion, and other things. While chimney caps are not required, we at Blue Ridge Chimney Services strongly recommend your chimney be capped for several essential reasons. As the cost and installation of a chimney cap is relatively inexpensive and can protect you against more expensive repair work, there is no reason not to have a chimney cap on top of your chimney. We would like to tell you why a chimney cap is such a crucial part of your chimney system.


A chimney cap will protect the interior of your chimney from the elements.

According to EBSCO Research, a chimney cap keeps rain and melted snow from entering your chimney. If you receive a two-inch downpour of rain and have no chimney cap, you could possibly get those two inches of rain water into your chimney. A chimney cap can also protect you from wind issues. Persistent drafts can cause frustration and loss of money on heating bills. While a basic chimney cap will protect you from rain and melted snow, you can find special wind-resistant caps if you have problems with downdrafts in your chimney.

A chimney cap will keep animals from entering your chimney.

Even if you live in a climate with no snow and little rain, you still need a chimney cap to keep birds, squirrels, and raccoons out of your chimney. When colder weather arrives, many of these animals mistake chimneys for hollow trees and choose a chimney as a safe place to nest. Both the animals and their nesting can be fire hazards. The nests can cause chimney blockages and prevent toxic gases like carbon monoxide from exiting out through the chimney. This causes a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning since the gas is forced back into your home. Additionally, animals can become trapped and possibly die within your chimney, which causes a horrific odor and a possible bug infestation. To prevent these problems that come along with animal invasions. contact Blue Ridge Chimney Services to install a chimney cap with metal screening on the sides to keep the animals out.

A chimney cap can prevent sparks from jumping out of the chimney and igniting a fire.

We have discussed why a chimney cap is needed to keep things out of your chimney, but a cap is also important to keep hot sparks and embers inside your chimney. Occasionally, sparks and embers can fly out of your chimney and land on your roof or your neighbor’s roof, which can possibly cause a house fire. These sparks and embers may also land in your yard on a pile of leaves or a bush and cause a brush fire, which can quickly and easily become out of control. To prevent this, have a chimney cap with spark arrestors, or wire meshing, to keep the hot sparks and embers safely within your chimney.

Have more questions about chimney caps? Contact Blue Ridge Chimney Services to talk to our expert staff about custom installing a chimney cap on top of your chimney.