Installing Factory-Built Units

Chimney Services » Installing Factory-Built Units

After you have decided to add a new fireplace in your home, you are considering a prefabricated unit, also known as factory-built fireplace. Prefab fireplaces have grown in popularity over the years because of their affordability and efficiency. Although you have read that installing this type of fireplace on your own is simple, you are greatly increasing your risk of an accidental fire in your home.

For years, Blue Ridge Chimney Services has provided superior professional chimney services including maintenance, repair, and installation to the Shenandoah Valley area. You can trust our experienced and certified technicians to properly install these factory-built fireplace units for you. We would like to tell you more about this type of chimney and fireplace system and why it is so important to have professional installation.

What is a factory-built chimney and fireplace system?

chimney chase with chase coverUnlike traditional masonry chimney, the factory-built fireplace and chimney are built to work together as a complete system. This type of system is less costly to install than a masonry chimney. According to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), a factory-built chimney and fireplace unit can work efficiently and safely for years with proper installation and maintenance.

Why is it so important to have professional installation for a factory-built chimney & fireplace?

The manufacturer instructions for the installation of a factory-based unit must be followed exactly to make sure the proper clearances have been met. The requirements of most manufacturers specify that at least two inches of space need to be between the chimney and all wood framing or any combustible parts of your home. The reason for this is because of how easy and quick wood can ignite when it is so close to the extreme temperatures of your fires. However, you can trust the team at Blue Ridge Chimney Services to ensure that your factory-built chimney and fireplace with properly installation. Your safety is our top priority!

What other problems could I have with my new factory-built fireplace and chimney unit?

A common problem that we have seen with factory-built units are that they are not made to withstand excessive heavy use. The CSIA warns that severe over firing can cause extensive damage to these units. Therefore, you will need to watch how often you use these units and how much firewood you use to build fires. Another potential problem that could lead to a higher risk of chimney fires is birds nesting inside the chase. The nesting materials could either catch fire or possibly block the smoke and combustion gases from exhausting out the chimney. Our skilled professionals can construct and install a chase cover to keep birds from entering this space and prevent water from leaking into your home.

Are you considering adding a factory-built fireplace to your home? Contact us today at Blue Ridge Chimney Services to schedule an appointment!